Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 1 Portland, Oregon

So my first day in Portland, Oregon has been COLD.  Ok, maybe not extremely cold, but cold enough…like in the high 40s?  Yeah, that’s freezing to me…but I managed to walk my way through town in my coat and scarf.  I feel weird wearing a scarf, as this is the first time I ever have a need to use one.   I think I fit in though (I hope, lol).  So after figuring out how to ride the Red Line Max from the Airport and managed to get off at the right stop, I started my 7 block walk to Hotel Modera.  What a workout!  Try walking a hilly 7 block path in cold rainy weather while pulling a huge suitcase and carrying a travel bag on one arm and a SLR camera case on the other.  Ugh, my right shoulder still aches...  Anyways, I got to my hotel room and was surprising pleased with it so far.  It definitely lives up to it’s name.  After spending about 15 mintutes in the hotel room getting settled, I decided to take a stroll downtown.  I had no destination in mind but lucky me, I ended up finding a coffee shop along the way.  I entered it without knowing the name of the place and soon realized that I had landed myself in “Stumptown Coffee!”  This is one place I had already planned on visiting on my trip so I was happy to randomly stumble across this place.  This is actually where I’m writing from right now.  First impression?  Hip and trendy…I’d come back again.  I noticed right away that the customers are mainly college aged students, although there was an older man up ahead of me in line.  When I saw the menu, I also noticed the prices are not nearly as high as Starbucks.  So my turn came next in line to order and I ended up ordering a “Machiato.”  They handed it over to me within 4 minutes, so the wait wasn’t bad at all.  I’m so used to the caramel macchiato in Starbucks that as soon as they handed me my macchiato, I didn't even me think about it needing it needing sugar.  Man was I wrong!  The stuff was extremely STRONG, I nearly crossed my eyes!  After putting a ton of sugar, I decided it wasn’t so bad after all.  Actually, I rather enjoyed it.  The clover design was not as clear as I thought it would be, but it was still pretty artistic.  While sipping my coffee, I also started taking pictures of the place but the barista noticed me taking pictures towards his way when he turned around (I guess he thought I was taking pictures of him?) and kept a close eye on me there and after.  I just managed to get some more shots, but I don’t want him to think I’m continuing to check him out, which I wasn’t!  Really, I wasn't...  I do notice, however, that he’s extremely good at what he does.  He’s taking orders, making drinks, cleaning dishes, having short conversations with customers, making suspicious looks at me, and much more.   There is one other person working, but he seems to be one in charge and making sure things run smoothly.  There seems to be a continues feed of customers and I actually think they need more seating. Oh! and now the line seems to be building up and the man is on his own, oh no!  Well, I shall go now.  I will hopefully return at least one more time.    

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